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Become an Employer

This programme consists of alternating phases of on the job and off the job training, which provides for the integration of the knowledge and skills acquired in the training setting with those gained in the workplace.

The National Commis Chef Apprenticeship Programme is for people who wish to pursue a career as a professional chef both in Ireland and abroad.

The apprenticeship was developed by a consortium of industry professionals and Kerry Education and Training Board (ETB) is the coordinating education provider with several collaborating providers delivering the programme nationwide. The apprenticeship has been designed to meet the needs of the vibrant Irish hospitality sector.

Advanced Certificate chart

Programme Overview

Programme Title
National Commis Chef Apprenticeship

2 years

Advanced Certificate in Culinary Arts (Level 6)

Awarding Body
Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) issues certificates as the awarding body

Programme Structure

This programme consists of alternating phases of on the job and off the job training – a model which provides for the integration of the knowledge and skills acquired in the training setting with those gained in the workplace.

Apprentices will be trained in a progressive manner and will have the opportunity to put their skills into practice weekly.

The following schedule applies to the Commis Chef Apprenticeship:

  • Initial 3 Week Block Release of intensive, structured learning in an ETB training kitchen (15 days).
  • 2 days per week in providing ETB, 3 days with your SOLAS approved employer (2 years).
  • During July & August this schedule reverts to 1 day in an ETB Kitchen, 4 days with your SOLAS approved employer.
Stages of the apprenticeship for employers

Employers Suitability to Train Apprentices

Employer’s suitability to train apprentices will be assessed by SOLAS. SOLAS is the statutory regulator for all apprenticeships.

A SOLAS Authorised Officer will:

  • Conduct a site visit to assess the employers suitability to train apprentices
  • Brief employers on their roles and responsibilities in relation to the on the job elements of the apprenticeship
  • Asses and approve employers to register apprentices, through SOLAS Employer Approval and Code of Practice
  • Maintain apprentices and employer records

Employers may register their premises with SOLAS and once they receive Suitability to Train approval from SOLAS they may use the Generation Apprenticeship website to advertise for suitable apprentices.

Employer Responsibilities


It is the employers' responsibility to:

  • Recruit the apprentice and present the apprentice for registration.
  • Ensure that the apprentice is a suitable candidate for training, is sufficiently knowledgeable about the occupation, and meets the entry requirements for the programme.
  • Make the apprentice available for the programme induction process.
  • Introduce the new apprentice to the community of practice in the workplace and to ensure that the apprentice is recognised as a novice member of the community.
  • To provide individualised support to the apprentice where necessary, especially in the early stages of the apprenticeship.


It is the employers' responsibility to:

  • Ensure the apprentice is given the learning opportunities required for the programme.
  • Ensure the apprentice is freed to take advantage of training opportunities.
  • Release the apprentice for all scheduled training classes.


It is the employers' responsibility to:

  • Appoint one member of staff to act as a contact person for the providing ETB’s Programme Manager and Chef Instructor.
  • Allow ETB staff access to and observation of the apprentice at work.
  • Ensure that the apprentice keeps continuous records of experience and assessment and makes them available to providing ETB.

Supporting the Apprentice

It is the employers' responsibility to:

  • Appoint experienced and qualified staff as mentors to the apprentice and to free them for any necessary mentor or assessment training.
  • Ensure that the mentor carries out their duties with respect to the apprentice and to the providing ETB.

Workplace Mentor

The Mentor represents to the apprentice a mature and skilled member of the occupation.
They must be qualified chefs preferably holding a NFQ Level 6 award or equivalent
and/or will be chefs with a minimum of five years’ experience.

Mentors will be appointed by the employer and approved by the Authorised Officer.
Employers and Workplace Mentors will be briefed on the Workplace Assessment
Instrument Specification by the Programme Manager and the Authorised Officer.

Workplace Mentors will be trained to ensure that they understand their responsibility in
relation to training and assessing an apprentice on the job, to industry and awarding
body standard. They are responsible for mentoring and assessing apprentices in the

The appointed Workplace Mentor is required to:

  • Provide opportunities to enable the apprentice to achieve the learning outcomes of the programme.
  • Facilitate the apprentice’s learning in the workplace by shadowing, coaching, observing and guiding.
  • Support the apprentice in communicating with the employer on training related issues.
  • Support the apprentice in the workplace by ensuring that the apprentice is conversant with the normal work practices and rules pertaining to the occupation.
  • Develop a sense of professionalism in the apprentice.
  • Complete Effective Mentoring Skills Online workshop prior to the apprenticeship commencing.
  • Guide the apprentice in completing his/her programme workbook and when the standard for each task has been reached, sign the assessment sheets.
  • Ensure the apprentice uploads all assessment documents and evidence of workplace assessment on Moodle.
  • Communicate with the providing ETB’s Programme Manager and Chef Instructor on issues to do with the apprentice and the programme.

The Apprentice

The Commis Chef Apprenticeship is aimed at aspiring chefs who have a keen interest in and a creative flair for cooking. Apprentices will possess the following attributes:

  • Genuine interest in food and latest food trends.
  • Ability to listen, take instruction and ask questions.
  • Enjoy high energy pace of work.
  • Good literacy, verbal and numeracy skills.
  • Ability to plan and prepare work.
  • Good hand/eye co-ordination and manual dexterity.
  • Enjoy engaging with others throughout the working day.
  • Appreciate creativity.
  • Ability to work independently and as part of a team.

The apprentice must obtain employment in an SOLAS approved professional kitchen and the employer must register the apprentice to the programme.

Apprentice's terms and conditions of employment are agreed between each apprentice and their SOLAS approved employer.

Entry Requirements

The minimum age at which the employment of an apprentice may commence is 16 years of age.

The minimum education requirements are:

  • a qualification placed at Level 4 of the National Framework of Qualifications (a Pass Leaving Certificate), OR
  • have at least three years trade related experience.

Applicants should have minimum requirements relating to general learning; including speaking, listening and communication skills, and self-organisation skills.

The following qualification will be accepted as indicating that these general learning requirements have been met:

  • A qualification placed at Level 4 of the National Framework of Qualifications Framework.
  • A minimum of 5 passes in a certificate placed at EQF Level 3 for holders of EU qualifications.
  • A minimum English language competency of B2 in writing, reading, listening and speaking on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFRL) is required at entry to the programme for speakers of English as a second or other language.

Useful Links

For more information on the National Commis Chef Apprenticeship email [email protected]

For more information on the National Commis Chef Apprenticeship Programme and to advertise for Apprentice Commis Chefs on the Generation Apprenticeship website, visit: (Employers must be registered with SOLAS to avail of this resource)

For information on Kerry Education and Training Board, which is the Co-ordinating Provider of the National Commis Chef Apprenticeship, visit the Kerry ETB website:

National Commis Chef

National Commis Chef

National Commis Chef

National Commis Chef

National Commis Chef

Apprenticeship Programme

Apprenticeship Programme

Apprenticeship Programme

Apprenticeship Programme

Apprenticeship Programme